Saturday, March 3, 2012

How May I Help You?

It dawned on me recently that I've so willingly shared my tips and advice here, but I've never taken the time to explain how I might also be able to help you organize your home or office.

I imagine that some readers will be incredibly motivated by what I share and know exactly how to apply it to their life. Others, I believe, might want some personalized service and to have me see their space to make recommendations. You have no idea how excited that would make me! I really am crazy about helping people make their lives simpler so that they have time to do the important stuff. (And yes, simpler means no crazy shopping lists for bins, shelving or label-makers!)

Here are a few of the ways that I can help you, should you have interest:
  • Assess a certain area of your home/office (i.e. problem spot) and offer verbal or written suggestions on how to better organize it. 
  • Physically assist you in organizing one or more spaces, providing motivation, ideas and labor. I promise this can be fun; many hands make light work.
  • Guide you through setting up online bill pay or other paperless solutions.
  • Help you find charitable or eco-friendly disposal options for things that you no longer want or need.
  • Organize items and list them for sale on eBay, Craigslist, Freecycle, etc. or prepare for a yard sale or Mother's Mart.
  • Any combination of the above, or feel free to ask if you have a need not suggested here.
Please feel free to contact me by making a comment or emailing me at christina (dot) alderfer (at) gmail (dot) com.

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